Human Resource (HR) Webinars

FMLA Do's and Don'ts to Include Pre and Post COVID
Webinar broadcast on September 1, 2020

The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) has never been a walk in the park to understand all provisions and amendments, but now it's even more confusing. This session covers the differences between what you know about FMLA before COVID and what you should know after COVID (at least through December unless extended) and how it all works. > Click to listen.

Encouraging and Maintaining Remote Employee Engagement
Webinar broadcast on September 8, 2020

COVID-19 sent over 68% of employees home for at least two months and many of them are still there working day in and day out either permanently or until there is an antidote for the virus. In the meantime, what is a manager to do whenit comes tokeeping those employees motivated, productive and engaged in the workplace? We will discuss options that can be incorporated into your workplace that have been successful in others. > Click to listen. 

Managing and Recalling Employees During COVID
Webinar broadcast on September 15, 2020

It has been a day-to-day, week-to-week task to stay up-to-date with the challenges of COVID-19 in all aspects of organizational management. Employment issues related to COVID-19 are not exception. This webinar will include up-to-date suggestions on topics including safety and health of employees, layoffs and furloughs, time off, and employee documentation requirements. > Click to listen.

For more information contact Kelly Murray at (217) 528-5331 or