The Counties of Illinois Risk Management Agency (CIRMA) is a premier provider of property, liability and workers' compensation coverages for county governments and other local divisions in Illinois.


Established in 2006 by the Illinois Association of County Board Members and Commissioners, CIRMA is an established member-owned program governed by a board of directors comprised of elected and appointed officials.

Public entities throughout Illinois count on CIRMA for their coverage and risk management needs. Unlike the traditional marketplace, CIRMA provides equitable rates allowing for stable pricing for long-term budgeting purposes. In addition, CIRMA contracts with professional accountants, actuaries, auditors, claims administrators, and experienced underwriters to ensure that members' premiums are maximized and risks mitigated.

Benefits of CIRMA membership include:
• Pricing stability 
• Purchase of higher limits of insurance at a lower cost
• Broader coverage and more favorable terms
• Customized member-driven services that include loss control, claims management and training
• Ownership including any surplus/equity if losses are lower than expected
• Flexibility through individual deductibles, varying SIR levels and special coverages
• Control over key decisions such as claims resolution, funding levels and services 

CIRMA is more than just insurance coverage. We have industry experts with years of experience. Our human resources, loss control, and public safety consultants, as well as our claims managers and legal staff offer members assistance on the latest trends, policies and best practices in their specialties. As a public sector organization you are uniquely situated to take advantage of the CIRMA cooperative.

If you would like more information, please contact Rich Stokluska at (630) 247-4012.